Debutalbum på vinyl

21.079,00 kr. 117.11% of 18.000,00 kr.


Bo Steen Mikkelsen @bosteen

medlem siden 1. september, 2013

Om projektet

For English version, please go to the bottom of the page! Thanx!

Vi hedder Bo Steen og Jeppe Holst (BoSteen+Holst) og har sammen arbejdet på vores debutalbum ECHO LANE i snart 2 år. Nu er vi klar til at udgive albummet og vi vil gerne udgive det både digitalt og på vinyl i februar 2014.

Du kan høre en lille forsmag på vores musik i videoen øverst på side. Vi vil desuden løbende afsløre lidt fra albummet i løbet af de næste par måneder. Det kan du læse mere om her:

Vi er inspireret af mange forskellige genrer, som har fyldt mere eller mindre i vores musikalske virke. Du vil kunne høre, at vi har eksperimenteret os frem til vores egen genre, med referencer til f.eks. Country, Americana, Bossa, Jazz, og helt klassisk sing-songerwriter tradition. Vi har haft et ønske om, at lave filmiske sange som fortæller gode historier i både tekst og musik. Det synes vi er lykkedes ret godt. Resultatet er blevet en række afvekslede sange, som har til fælles at de er både af stærke melodier og flotte lydlandskaber.

Derfor håber vi, at du vil hjælpe os med at trykke og udgive albummet digitalt og på vinyl. Vi søger om 18.000 kr., da det beløb vil kunne dække vores udgifter til gebyr til, trykning af vinyler og pakke/forsendelsesomkostninger til jer som vælger at bidrage over med 201 kr. Vi har sat en tidsramme på 2 måneder, sådan at der også er tid til at få vinylerne trykt inden Feb14.

Alle som bidrager med et beløb til vores kampagne får som minimum et link til download af vores debutalbum, når det udkommer. Derudover har vi prøvet at lave nogle godbidder til dem som gerne vil give lidt ekstra og have lidt ekstra igen. Godbidderne kan du læse om i højre side af skærmen under ”Incitamenter”.

Det er fuldstændig risikofrit for dig at bidrage, da du vil få pengene igen hvis ikke vi opnår at samle de 18.000 kr. til at gennemføre udgivelsen.

Hvis du ikke har særlig mange penge, men gerne vil støtte os alligevel kan du også gøre det ved at udbringe budskabet om denne støttekampagne og dele denne side med dine venner på facebook, Twitter osv.

Alle som bidrager bliver naturligvis også takket personligt på vores hjemmeside og får invitationer til koncerter og begivenheder.

Tak for hjælpen!



Hello. We are Bosteen + Holst  and together we have been working on our debut album ECHO LANE for almost 2 years. Now we are finally ready to release the album and would like to publish it both digitally and on vinyl in February 2014.

You can hear a little taste of our music in the video at the top of the page. We will also regularly reveal bits from the album. You can read more about it
We are inspired by many different genres. You will notice that we have experimented with genres such as country , Americana, Bossa , Jazz, and the quite classic sing- songerwriter tradition. We have a desire to make cinematic songs that tell good stories in both text and in music. That we think we have managed quite well. The result has been a series of different songs which all have in common that they have both strong melodies and rich soundscapes .

Therefore , we hope that you will help us to press and release the album digitally and on vinyl. We are looking for about 18,000 Dkr, which will cover our costs for fees to , printing vinyls and packing / shipping costs.

All of you who contributes an amount to our campaign, gets a link to download our debut album when it is released. In addition, we tried to make some goodies for those who want to give a little extra and have a little extra back . These treats you can read about on the bottom of this page under "Incentives".

It is completely risk free for you to contribute as you will get your money back if we do not manage to gather the 18,000 Dkr.

If you do not have much money , but would like to support us anyway you can also do it by delivering the message of this campaign support and share this page with your friends on facebook , twitter etc.

Everyone who contributes will of course also be thanked personally on our website and get invitations to concerts and events.

Thanks for the help !

Use the button "STØT DETTE PROJEKT" at the top right of the screen if you are supercool and wish give us your support!




For amounts between: Dkr. 80 - 200
You will be thanked on our facebook page and you will receive a digital copy of our debut album when it is released.


For amounts between: Dkr. 201 - 349
You will be thanked on our facebook page and you will receive a digital copy of our debut album when it is released. + Get a copy of the album on vinyl by mail.


For amounts between: Dkr. 350 - 449
You will be thanked on our facebook page and you will receive a digital copy of our debut album when it is released. + Get a copy of the album on vinyl by mail with a handwriten message on the cover.


For amounts between: Dkr. 450 - 600
You will be thanked on our facebook page and you will receive a digital copy of our debut album when it is released. + Get a copy of the album on vinyl by mail with a handwriten message on the cover. + Two tickets for a concert with us.


For amounts between: Dkr. 600 – 1999

All of the above. + Your name in the linernote + a personale greating from the stage at one of our concerts + a couple of beers after the show.


For amounts between: Dkr. 2000 – 3999

All of the above. + an personale concert in your livingroom, kitchen, bathroom or frontlawn. (Transport not included)


For amounts bigger than: Dkr. 4000

All of the above. + a personal concert in your livingroom, kitchen, bathroom or front garden. (Transport not included) + we will spend an afternoon teaching you one or two of our songs on guitar.









